Storage: Choose storage type in JSON, SQLITE and MYSQL
UpdateInterval: Allows to update the data
# Change the storage type of the plugin.## Here are the types of storage available:# - JSON, a JSON file that will contain all the plugin data, for small and medium servers# - SQLITE, use of a database, for large servers# - MYSQL, use of a database, for large servers#storage:JSON# Updates data every 120,000 milliseconds (2 minutes).# If the storage is in JSON, then the file will save# If the storage is SQLITE or MYSQL then the drawers will be updated if they need to beupdateInterval:120000# Configuration for SQLITE and MYSQL storagesql:# Table nametableName:"zdrawers"user:homesteadpassword:secretport:3306host:
Type: Specifies the drawer type (SINGLE, DUO, TRIO, QUAD).
Limit: The maximum number of items a single drawer can hold.
EnableHopper: Whether or not the drawer interacts with hoppers.
DropContent: Settings for dropping items when the drawer is broken.
Enable: Enables or disables dropping of contents.
Limit: Maximum items allowed for the drawer to be breakable.
type:SINGLE# Drawer type, available types are: SINGLE, DUO, TRIO and QUADlimit:2048# The global limit for the number of items a single drawer can hold.# Enable or disable interaction with hopperenableHopper:true# Drop items to the floor when the drawer is broken.dropContent:enable:false# Enable or disable this optionlimit:1024# If there are more than 1024, the drawer cannot be broken, it should be empty before it can be broken.
Display Settings
Configure items for drawer display entities.
ViewRange: Distance for displaying entities related to the drawer.
EnableTextBackground: Enables or disables background behind text display.
# Change distance to display entitiesviewRange:0.5# Enable or disable background behind text displayenableTextBackground:false
Item Configuration
You can configure the item that the player will have in his inventory. The configuration of the items is that of the zMenu plugin, you can use all the information in the documentation here:
item:material:BARRELname:"#22f54cᴅʀᴀᴡᴇʀ"lore: - "&8&oStore a large number of the same item" - "" - "#e3e3e3Content&8: #baffffx%zdrawer_amount_formatted_0% %zdrawer_content_0%" - "#e3e3e3Upgrade&8: #baffff%zdrawer_upgrade%"
Border Settings
You can apply a border to your drawer. The border will be on the front hard drawer.
Enable: Toggles the display of borders around the drawer.
Scale: Adjusts the scale of itemDisplay entities.
Item: Item configuration
border:enable:true# Enable or disable the optionscale:# Allows you to change the scale of the itemDisplay entity, changing its values can break the display, done only if you know what you are doing.up: { x:1.0,y:0.05,z:0.05 }down: { x:1.0,y:0.05,z:0.05 }left: { x:0.05,y:0.9,z:0.05 }right: { x:0.05,y:0.9,z:0.05 }# Item that will be displayed, you can use the zMenu documentation:
Crafting Settings
You can activate a craft for the drawer.
Enable: Enables or disables crafting for the drawer.
Shade: Defines the crafting pattern.
Indredients: The ingredients that were used in the shade.
craft:enable:true# Enable or disable the craftshade:# The craft shade - "ABA" - "BCB" - "ABA"ingredients:# Ingredients of craftA:# you can use the zMenu documentation: you can use the zMenu documentation: you can use the zMenu documentation:
Number Formatting
Settings for displaying large numbers in a more readable format.
Display: Allows the use of colors to display text if number format is disable.
Enable: Toggles custom number formatting.
Formats: All the formats the plugin will use
# Number formatting settings for displaying large numbers in a more readable format.numberFormat:# Allows you to use colors to display text, works with MiniMessage:"&f%amount%"# Toggle to enable/disable custom number formatting.enable:false# Documentation for String format: - format:""# Blank format to display text directlymaxAmount:1000# Add colors to text display, works with MiniMessage# display: "<gradient:#1cfc03:#2bd66f>%amount%" - format:"%.1fK"maxAmount:1000000# display: "<gradient:#7bd62b:#a3d14d>%amount%" - format:"%.1fM"maxAmount:1000000000# display: "<gradient:#ebe123:#ebbc23>%amount%" - format:"%.1fB"maxAmount:1000000000000# display: "<gradient:#eb8023:#eb4b23>%amount%" - format:"%.2fT"maxAmount:1000000000000000 - format:"%.2fQ"maxAmount:1000000000000000000
Details on available upgrades for the drawer, including material changes and increased item limits.